
Showing posts from June, 2018

To the graduates of 2018- 50 things I have learned in life- a reflection for all

To the graduates of 2018- Last year, in 2017, my daughter graduated.  this year, in 2018, my stepdaughter graduated, and over the course of the next three years, we have 3 more graduating from high school.  This is for you. Today is my 44th birthday.  I hope to share with you, the graduating class, a few lessons learned over time in my short time here on earth.  We often learn from others, from their perspective, from their mistakes, from their success, from their stories.  To you, I hope you gain knowledge and thoughts from this. Your life is beginning.  Each day you wake up is a new day set forth with challenges, situations, successes and failures. you will go through many experiences in your lives and many learning opportunities will come out of them.  Here are some things that I have learned over time and I hope your learning curve is faster than mine. 1) Life is a series of events, moments, opportunities that we have to create change, expe...