To the graduates of 2018- 50 things I have learned in life- a reflection for all

To the graduates of 2018-

Last year, in 2017, my daughter graduated.  this year, in 2018, my stepdaughter graduated, and over the course of the next three years, we have 3 more graduating from high school.  This is for you.

Today is my 44th birthday.  I hope to share with you, the graduating class, a few lessons learned over time in my short time here on earth.  We often learn from others, from their perspective, from their mistakes, from their success, from their stories.  To you, I hope you gain knowledge and thoughts from this.

Your life is beginning.  Each day you wake up is a new day set forth with challenges, situations, successes and failures. you will go through many experiences in your lives and many learning opportunities will come out of them.  Here are some things that I have learned over time and I hope your learning curve is faster than mine.

1) Life is a series of events, moments, opportunities that we have to create change, experience and breathe in.  Take them in, let them surround you, and enjoy each one, whether good or bad.  These moments will shape you into who you are tomorrow.  And you will create the life you want.

2) Don't sit idle waiting for it to happen.  It's up to you.  If you want something in your life YOU have to be responsible to go after it.  because let's face it, only you know what you want out of life.

3) What you think is important today, may not be as important to you tomorrow.  Your life will change over time.  The things you find important in this moment will be completely different in 5 years.

4) Try to create balance in your life.  As you begin in your new adventrues in life, sometimes it's easy to forget that life requires balance. 

5) identify what success is to you and remember that what you deem as success today may not be the same as what you deem as success in the future.

6) Don't worry about what other people think of you.  In fact, what other people think of you is not your business.  They will think what they will.  Be true to yourself and let it flow.

7) take a minute to breathe and remember WHY you are doing what you are doing, no matter what it is.  If you forget your why, then sometimes the path becomes even harder to follow.

8) Take time to do what you enjoy.  Remember that life is balance, and having fun and relaxing is a part of that.

9) Love yourself.  Every day!  Because if you can't love you, then how can you portray love to others?

10) Don't deprive yourself of the simple pleasures in life- sometimes it's all we have.

11) stay active no matter what that means to you.  We only have one body.  take care of it the best you can so you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle when you are older.

12) the people in our life are probably the most important part of your life.  You may need to always be the one reaching out and sometimes you will be reached out to.  The people, the relationships you build, they are your legacy.  People live on in our hearts and minds through our interactions.

13) Be Grateful.  Gratitude is a powerful emotion and can change the tide and the way you feel about everything.

14) Do what you love for a career.  You won't work a day in your life if you do.  And remember the money will fall into place if you do.

15). Say I love you to those you love.  Say it often.  we never know if we will have another chance.

16). Life is shorter than we think.  Things change in a moment's notice, so always see each moment as an opportunity to experience it!

17). dance like no one is watching.  Who cares what they think anyway.  It's your dance, move the way you want to!

18). Be humble.  Humility is an incredible trait to have.  It can be difficult, but remember that humility can take you great places.

19). don't be afraid to speak your mind.  When it matters, say the things that you need to say.  and speak up when needed.

20) we don't always need to share our thoughts or opinions of other people's lives.  Try not to offer your opinion unless you're asked.

21) be less critical of others.  Don't criticize others for their choices, because remember we all live in glass houses.

22). Be slow to judge and quick to learn.  We don't know what's going on for others. we never do.  Give them the benefit of the doubt.

23). Form your own opinions.  You will hear from a lot of people about other people.  Shake it off and formulate your own opinion of people.  You'll be surprised when you do.

24) Be Passionate.  Passion comes in many forms, but just be passionate about life.  It will make this experience an incredible journey.

25) Read books, tons of them.  Doesn't matter what they are or even if you listen to them or read them, just spend time using your mind and imagination.

26) ALWAYS play.  The reason we grow old is not because we are aging, but because we stop playing.  Play is an essential part of the human spirit. play often!

27)  Cherish your family.  There are so many forms of family, but cherish whatever you consider to be your family.  They are the closest to you and accept you for who you are.

28) Acceptance-  Accept people for who they are.  There is already so much anger and discord in the world.  it would be different if we just accepted people for their differences and made everyone around us better!

29) do one thing a day nice for someone else.  No matter what it is.  Remember even as little a gesture as smiling can change the world around you.

30). spend time alone-  I didn't learn this until recently, but spending time with yourself is one of the most important ways you can become better.  It means you are working on yourself!

31). Sharpen your mental saw-  spend 5 minutes a day just reading something that will sharpen your mental game, watch a video, listen to something you find inspirational, find a way to change your perspective if needed and change others if they need it.

32) be uplifting to those around you.  They will appreciate your energy and want you around.

33). build a network of people whom you can relate to, who lift you up, who make you a better person.  They will help guide you to a better life.

34).  Remember you are a reflection of your 6 closest friends.  Look around you.  If the crowd you are around doesn't match what you want for your life, then upgrade.  (I don't ay that to be mean, just a thought process)

35). I find the world to be most quiet in the early morning, but remember to sleep in once in a while!  It helps to get your mind in a good state every once in a while.

36) remember to sleep!!!  Sleep is HUGE for our psyche.  If it's our of whack, there's a good chance we are too.

37) Push yourself to be better every day.  There are going to be days it SUCKS to push past things.  it is in these moments your character shows and who you are will show up to do the work.

38). thoughts become words.  words become actions, Actions become your habits. and habits become your character.  So be careful what you say and think to and about yourself, because it will manifest itself in who you are.

39) It's ok to skip a workout.  Yes,  it's ok   it won't kill you to miss a day.  (this is for those of you who are in the fitness world).  Just promise to yourself you'll get back to it the next day and STOP FEELING GUILTY ABOUT IT!!   (Wish I had learned that lesson a LOT earlier)

40) Get your regular check-ups at the doctor and dentist.  I know this is weird, but your health is a number one priority.

41) Your life, your goal, your dream, it's a journey.  Enjoy each moment of the journey.  The destination will change as you move along in life.  But if you can look back and have an amazing journey that gets you to where you want to be, then you have become successful in this life.

42) To succeed is to fail, over and over and over and over and over.  Success is a series of failures that we learn from.  the more we fail, the closer we get to being successful. 

43) Don't quit on yourself.  Don't give up, don't throw in the towel.  There are going to be days you truly question why you are on the path you're on, but it will all reveal itself soon.  just stay the course.

44). FORGIVE.  Forgive quickly.  I didn't say forget, i just said to forgive.  Forgiveness is a truly an incredible quality to be able to have.  when you forgive, there is so much less energy wasted on the pain and anguish and you can move forward.

45) Live in the Present. don't dwell on the past and don't expect the future to turn out a certain way.  We are here, now.  Plan for the future, but live in the moment.  Because today is a gift which is why it's called the present.

46) Make mistakes.  learn from them, but don't be afraid to make mistakes. we learn most when we make them.  It's ok.  I promise, it's ok.

47). Love without fault.  It's a hard thing to love unconditionally, but when you learn unconditional live, it's an amazing thing.  We all have things that we have challenges with, but that goes along with acceptance as I mentioned earlier.  When you can truly love people for who they are and not for what we want them to be, you have taken a huge step towards changing your life.  because again, you see the world in a different light!

48)  Watch a sunset here and there.  Appreciate the beauty around you.  there is a lot this world has to offer, and a lot of times right in front of our noses.  We just have to open our eyes and see it through a different filter.

49). Don't overthink things.  Alot of times, things are exactly as they appear.  We can't read anyone's mind, so we often have to take things at face value.  the more you overthink, the harder it is to just relax and enjoy the moment.... I am still working on this!

50) share your passion with the world.  Whatever it is, share it with the world.  You have a gift, a talent, a skill that no one else may have.  You were put here on this earth with an idea, a purpose.  It takes getting to know yourself at a deeper level to find out "what" your life will become, but you will become what you set out to achieve.  You are an amazing being.  Out of 7 billion, there is only one like you, where the atoms all arrange themselves the way they do.  You can live your life to the fullest, be successful whatever that means to you, and live in each moment and take it in.  You have all the power in the world to make that happen.  go forth and prosper.

I have spent many days with my head in the books and listening to speakers, and speeches, music, audio books, seminars,  motivational stuff...   over all this time, each and every one of those has had an impact, but what has made the most impact is the people in my life.  I wish I could impact them all as much as they have impacted me.  I can only hope the lessons I have learned from all of thepeople in my life that i have had at least a small part of helping them become who they are.  For there are so many in my life I am grateful to for making me who I am today.

For you,  the graduating class of 2018,  I wish you the best of the future.  For the journey you are about to embark on, is the greatest of any journey you will ever partake in.  It's your life, and it's your journey to sail.  Godspeed and go steadfast in the direction of your dreams. 


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