
Showing posts from September, 2018

The average dude on Life Balance- Workaholics Anonymous

You ever have one of those days where you wonder how the hell the scale tipped so far this way that you're holding on by a string?  Ever looked at your own life and imagined it as being one of those movies where a car is over the edge of a cliff and if someone comes to get you, they may throw the car off balance and over the cliff?   Ever thought to yourself, I feel so out of balance.. in fact I feel like I have vertigo? I think most days I'm an average dude, and I suffer from the same thought processes as many other people in the world.  This means I am succeptible to things like an addictive personality (which I know I have) and putting my life out of balance.  In fact, I tend to think, we as humans have a very hard time with balance.  You see,  in everything I do, I give it 100% and it is hard for me to focus on ANYTHiNG else when I am involved in something.  It was like this with the gym ownership, the fire service, family ,relationships, heck, even working and learning t