
Showing posts from 2015

A few things I have learned about fitness, Part 1

A few things I have learned over the 22 years of coaching and training thousands of people: this pertains to ALL types of fitness. and please understand that FTF Fitness is a brand just like CrossFit is a brand. we use high intensity functional training as part of what we do and we base it on theories that were around before and after CrossFit came about. I believe strongly that CrossFit is a great program. i also believe strongly that yoga is a great program. I also believe strongly that zumba is great program. I believe that human movement is a great program. I believe that circuit training is a great program. I believe that running is a great program..... catch my drift? Fitness is emotional. It doesn't matter what it comes down to, there are emotions involved in your fitness program. Whether it is stress relieving to feel better, frustration from not understanding an exercise, adrenaline to give you an adrenaline rush and feel excitement, or fear of leaving that comfort zon

This is where I am supposed to say something motivational, Right??

Happy Thursday!! I am supposed to be working on programming tonight.... BUT decided I would start here and see how much i could get out of this random brain of mine before I started pulling things into the excel spreadsheet for my awesome members and clients!! BUT I had a funny thought process today, that I though I would share with you!! So today while on InstaGag, er.. I mean Instagram....  (Sorry.. I'm supposed to be using it to support my businesses but still learning how to use it.. thus I gag at the thought of trying to learn all this social media stuff....)  I realized that my account  (@ftfcoach), well... actually I myself, ... I'm not a dead sexy female with a nice ass or a sexy dude with six pack abs, so my "likes" per post wasn't at 10,000 per post yet...   and I haven't learned how to write sentences out of hashtags yet (although I am up to about 5 words in a hashtag now) AND I haven't learned how to tag everyone I know in there yet because

Introductions......... "and shit"

Well,  Here it goes. For many years I have been talking about just sitting down and sharing my thoughts, my thinking and the shit in my head with the world.  I do a good job with sharing it with the people close to me, probably because they can't get away from me, or in some cases... haven't figured out HOW to get away from me yet!   But I feel like it's time for me to bust out of this little shell I've been in for the last several years and start sharing some stuff with everyone. So... WELCOME!!! and I hope that you have dug in for some good times, some deep thoughts, and sometimes just some bullshit, because really, this is MY blog.. not the gyms (This is the link to my gym in case you were wondering) , not related to my career and not related to really anything other than where my brain is at the moment. For those of you who know me,  you probably have already figured out I am having some wine while typing.... why?  Well... shit.. wouldn't you have some