Introductions......... "and shit"

Well,  Here it goes.

For many years I have been talking about just sitting down and sharing my thoughts, my thinking and the shit in my head with the world.  I do a good job with sharing it with the people close to me, probably because they can't get away from me, or in some cases... haven't figured out HOW to get away from me yet!   But I feel like it's time for me to bust out of this little shell I've been in for the last several years and start sharing some stuff with everyone.


WELCOME!!! and I hope that you have dug in for some good times, some deep thoughts, and sometimes just some bullshit, because really, this is MY blog.. not the gyms (This is the link to my gym in case you were wondering), not related to my career and not related to really anything other than where my brain is at the moment.

For those of you who know me,  you probably have already figured out I am having some wine while typing.... why?  Well... shit.. wouldn't you have some wine after trying to keep your three kids calm all day too??  .. Oh.. let me introduce them real quick...

From Left to right....  Jacob, (12 years old) , Jared (14 years old) and me (also 14 years old) ! 

Nicole (16 years old) trying 

Jared looking serious and shit

OK... now that you know I have 3 little shits, and that I am currently taking care of them, (This is week 3 of 5 weeks I get with them every summer... they come out from North Carolina and have for the last 7 years)  let me say that they are truly an amazing addition to my life and I honestly LOVE having them... they just lead me to drink on a regular basis....

I'll fill you in on them a little more throughout time, because tonight is about just some introductions and getting you acquainted with what exactly you might find here in this blog... or is it? 

For those of you who DON'T know me...  you REALLY want to know?

The beach a few weeks ago... the kids buried me! 

Probably one of my best pictures and it truly shows who I am :)

So first, you probably have figured out that I might be a busy guy...   here's a few of the reasons why:

I own a few gyms and have brought several partners in along the way to help me with them. I am currently the owner of CrossFit FTF in Pasadena (also FTF Fitness)  .  I am also now a part owner of FTF Fitness in Clovis.  I just brought on Mrs. Jacquelyn Chastain to help me with the OLD CrossFit FTF in the Fresno and Clovis area which is NO LONGER a CrossFit gym, but a strength and conditioning facility that utilizes CrossFit as PART of what it teaches.   I am also in the process of programming for several FTF Licensed gyms through our licensing process.

I also have a full time career on the side of owning my businesses, but that's neither here nor there..... for now.  For now, we need to talk a little bit about what to expect when on this blog.

Rules of this blog:
1) if you don't like cussing....  get off my fucking blog now!  You came here willingly and have now been warned.  I cuss... more than i probably should but less than alot of people I know.  I may cuss when it seems appropriate and I may cuss when it seems like it's not appropriate.

2) If you need filtered, cover your eyes...  I have no filter.  If I'm thinking it... there is a damn good chance it's coming out of my mouth.  The good news.. you're reading a blog, so that means that there MIGHT be a slight pause before I type what I'm thinking... However, I am not inclined to filter and more often than not.. I don't really care to.  Have you read the book Blink?   It talks about how your instincts are usually right....  well...  I go with my instincts... (Lack of filter)

3) Expect the unexpected..... I love to just write random shit.  Sometimes it will make sense and more often than not, depending on how much fireball or other adult beverage I have had, It may not.

4) Place no expectations on me or this blog- what the fuck does that mean Coach K?   it means that there is a distinct possiblity I will write three nights in a row and then maybe not for a few days.  I would come back often because sometimes it will just happen and sometimes it won't.  Days that I am REALLY busy I may not have time to write...

5) just enjoy it!!!  There might be some video blogs occasionally.  I may misspell shit here and there, I may not even care that I do.  This blog is truly a free flowing blog.

Other than that...  I have no intent other than to share some thoughts, ideas, discussions and more with you...  I love to be interactive, and would love it if you start to be interactive.  Some days will be motivational, some days will be interactive, some days will be me rambling about the bullshit that we go through in life.  I hope it helps you to deal, to think, to instigate thought in your world.  I have other blogs for my life coaching business, my gyms, my career... but this is JUST me...

On that note...  I better add another picture for my friend Steven....  hang on...
Man have they grown up
OK...  that should distract him for a minute.  I know my buddy is reading it because he helps me with so much stuff.  He has been instrumental in my newest website ( and developing so much more for the business than I could ever imagine... I am grateful! 

But I digress...  

So what kind of shit will I be posting?   I honestly don't know.  It will depend on my mood, how the day was, and what I had to drink that day.  I do have to tell you, as I sit here and type, I am very excited to be starting this path...  because I have a lot of things I have been trying to figure out.  A lot of times, blogging or journalling helps me to filter through the process.   

I am going to close up shop for the evening.  Some of you probably fell asleep a few paragraphs ago, but that's ok.. for others, let's have some fun and rock on.   

Post to comments some of the topics you hope I will write about :) 

Looking forward to what's next! 

Coach K 



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