This is where I am supposed to say something motivational, Right??
Happy Thursday!!
I am supposed to be working on programming tonight.... BUT decided I would start here and see how much i could get out of this random brain of mine before I started pulling things into the excel spreadsheet for my awesome members and clients!! BUT I had a funny thought process today, that I though I would share with you!!
So today while on InstaGag, er.. I mean Instagram.... (Sorry.. I'm supposed to be using it to support my businesses but still learning how to use it.. thus I gag at the thought of trying to learn all this social media stuff....) I realized that my account
(@ftfcoach), well... actually I myself, ... I'm not a dead sexy female with a nice ass or a sexy dude with six pack abs, so my "likes" per post wasn't at 10,000 per post yet... and I haven't learned how to write sentences out of hashtags yet (although I am up to about 5 words in a hashtag now) AND I haven't learned how to tag everyone I know in there yet because my phone is funky!!
BUT I'm working on it!!! So if you choose to add me on your instagram account.. look for improvements in this area, because I am truly becoming a social media guru through all of the time I am spending writing "Ducking" instead of "fucking" on all my posts!!! (Really Siri? And who the fuck thinks that I mean SHOT when I am trying to type SHIT!!! You've been with me for OVER a year now and you haven't learned how I speak/type/argue with you yet??)
Well, that brings me to today's awesomeness!! I should have taken a picture, but the kids and I went to Magic Mountain today... and can I tell you.. we went to this show called "KWERK" and it was pretty amazing!! It was an Acrobatic Dance show they have at the park on thursday through Sunday... It made me feel like I might need to work on my dance moves.... quite a bit!
(This is not my video, but someone else's who video taped a bunch of it... )
Yeah... talk about an amazing show!!! I was glued to watching the whole thing. Since I have the attention span of a gnat, it was entertaining enough to hold my attention through the entire show!! IT was AWESOME!!! I have to say, I was enthralled with some of the aerial stunts and it made me think, man... I haven't worked out in like 12 hours... I should probably go do so again!!
Speaking of working out... I had an INCREDIBLE workout today eating a portion of a funnel cake at Magic Mountain!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! I think I went into Insulin overload after that and am REALLY surprised that I haven't had my crash yet (although it's probably coming).... I HAVE to show you what it was the boys and I ordered... (my daughter was already out the gate and to the car by the time the boys and I got the funnel cake... something about being grumpy and wanting to curl up in a ball... As a single dad, I'm not quite equipped to handle such moments.. other than say "I understand"... and that earned me a few ice picks to the heart with her eyes... so I just ordered the funnel cake and ate in happy enjoyment while she squished my head with her fingers)
OK.. so let me show you this funnel cake we ordered!!!
SO I only ate about 5 bites of it... ok.. maybe like 10... but who's counting!! I mean... I only live once and I have NEVER had a smores funnel cake sundae, so who am I to deprive myself of this amazing treat? Especially when I eat clean MOST of the time...
Did I entice you at LEAST a little bit? lol. remember this is a personal blog with personal thoughts.. I am HUMAN (sometimes) and don't always work out 3 times a day and eat healthy. In fact, with my kiddoes here, this is always a tough time for me to stay consistent even though I cook for them every day!!
That brings me to a great point. I love being healthy and promoting health and wellness. This is a part of that. We are human beings... SO let me throw out there this healthy mindset tip.
Diets- What are the first three letters of that word? Yeah.. you know why? Exactly!!! Lifestyle is what we are after. Diets ar etemporary and there are over 30,000 registered with the FDA. If even one of them worked for everyone, would we need the other 29,999??? Lifestyle... live as healthy as possible and make positive choices overall, and when you have a cheat meal (or in my case a cheat dessert BEFORE you cook your Vegetable Spaghetti noodles with ground turkey and other veggies for dinner) let it go. It's ok to let yourself experience a little life here and there. BUT keep it in check and get back on it as soon as possible!! (that was my public service announcement for FTF Fitness and my passion for Strength and Conditioning and health and Wellness!
I am going to close up shop tonight with sharing that one of my favorite companies- Blonyx
This company provides a great product, being HMB and Creatine! What you see above is the HMB and Creatine! I use this bad boy about 30 minutes before I work out and use their HMB Sport before I go to bed for best results... I am looking for optimum performance AND results in strength.. and I can tell when I am using Blonyx and when I am not!! I have used this product off and on for about 2 plus years now!! For more information go to the Blonyx Website. Also, you can use code FTF to get 10% off on their product!! give it a try... you won't be dissappointed. I get nothing from telling you about this other than the satisfaction that you will get a quality product from a great company!
I am supposed to be working on programming tonight.... BUT decided I would start here and see how much i could get out of this random brain of mine before I started pulling things into the excel spreadsheet for my awesome members and clients!! BUT I had a funny thought process today, that I though I would share with you!!
So today while on InstaGag, er.. I mean Instagram.... (Sorry.. I'm supposed to be using it to support my businesses but still learning how to use it.. thus I gag at the thought of trying to learn all this social media stuff....) I realized that my account

I think someone told me Im supposed to have more followers than people I follow... something about it looking better? Shit.. I'm just lucky to remember how to use it! |
Well, that brings me to today's awesomeness!! I should have taken a picture, but the kids and I went to Magic Mountain today... and can I tell you.. we went to this show called "KWERK" and it was pretty amazing!! It was an Acrobatic Dance show they have at the park on thursday through Sunday... It made me feel like I might need to work on my dance moves.... quite a bit!
(This is not my video, but someone else's who video taped a bunch of it... )
Yeah... talk about an amazing show!!! I was glued to watching the whole thing. Since I have the attention span of a gnat, it was entertaining enough to hold my attention through the entire show!! IT was AWESOME!!! I have to say, I was enthralled with some of the aerial stunts and it made me think, man... I haven't worked out in like 12 hours... I should probably go do so again!!
Speaking of working out... I had an INCREDIBLE workout today eating a portion of a funnel cake at Magic Mountain!!! HOLY SHIT!!!! I think I went into Insulin overload after that and am REALLY surprised that I haven't had my crash yet (although it's probably coming).... I HAVE to show you what it was the boys and I ordered... (my daughter was already out the gate and to the car by the time the boys and I got the funnel cake... something about being grumpy and wanting to curl up in a ball... As a single dad, I'm not quite equipped to handle such moments.. other than say "I understand"... and that earned me a few ice picks to the heart with her eyes... so I just ordered the funnel cake and ate in happy enjoyment while she squished my head with her fingers)
OK.. so let me show you this funnel cake we ordered!!!
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Picture taken from |
Did I entice you at LEAST a little bit? lol. remember this is a personal blog with personal thoughts.. I am HUMAN (sometimes) and don't always work out 3 times a day and eat healthy. In fact, with my kiddoes here, this is always a tough time for me to stay consistent even though I cook for them every day!!
That brings me to a great point. I love being healthy and promoting health and wellness. This is a part of that. We are human beings... SO let me throw out there this healthy mindset tip.
Diets- What are the first three letters of that word? Yeah.. you know why? Exactly!!! Lifestyle is what we are after. Diets ar etemporary and there are over 30,000 registered with the FDA. If even one of them worked for everyone, would we need the other 29,999??? Lifestyle... live as healthy as possible and make positive choices overall, and when you have a cheat meal (or in my case a cheat dessert BEFORE you cook your Vegetable Spaghetti noodles with ground turkey and other veggies for dinner) let it go. It's ok to let yourself experience a little life here and there. BUT keep it in check and get back on it as soon as possible!! (that was my public service announcement for FTF Fitness and my passion for Strength and Conditioning and health and Wellness!
I am going to close up shop tonight with sharing that one of my favorite companies- Blonyx
Who keeps Blonyx in his Glove Box? THIS GUY!!!! |
OK... in closing... I have so much more to share with you, but this is only day 2... I can't let it ALL out right now... one day at a time!! one day at a time.
Go forth and create tomorrow/today! For it is upon us... the time is now.. and all kinds of motivational stuff :) I'll have more tomorrow!! I promise!
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