I'm just an average dude.....

I have started a new life, one free of owning a gym, one free of the responsibilities that come with business ownership and I have transitioned into a new phase in life.  I hope that we can get reacquainted and really get to know each other, you as my readers and followers, and me, well just as an average dude living a life that has meaning to those whom are in it.  I hope that in some of these posts, there comes inspiration, "aha" moments, feelings of "you're not the only one going through this" and many other things running through our heads.  One day, I might blog about how frustrating it can be when you don't have the right tools to get a job done, to how it feels to be at work and away from the family longer than you want to.  You may see blog posts about the first time hauling a 42' toyhauler to how we chose our goats at the farm.  You may see stories of the kids and how the changes within the kids challenge me as well as force me to grow as a human being.

At any rate,  I am just an average dude.  I live a life that I know many would look at and say is a life they want.  Let me tell you how grateful I am for the life I live first and foremost.  Sometimes, I forget that I am truly blessed in the life I live (Don't we all) and I think like anyone else, sometimes I take shit for granted (not that I mean to, but let's face it, it's human nature) I am truly blessed in this life and have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure this is really my life that I am leading!  I often wake up and wonder how I got so lucky in life!

I have been dating the same amazing woman, a beautiful, intelligent, incredible woman who is a trauma nurse at a large hospital here in Fresno, for almost three years now.   For any of you who know me, who REALLY know me, then you will understand that 3 years... I haven't dated someone for three years since my ex wife.  This is huge.  She truly has found a way to put up with my bullshit and for that I am grateful.  And I love her for exactly who she is.  She is a light in my life.  We don't always get along and we have our struggles, There may even be blog posts about some of the challenges that couples go through in general and suggestions on how to maybe work through them, because remember, you are NOT alone.  We are truly in love and support each other.  We always hope that we make the other person's world a little brighter, but understand that we won't always succeed in that.  We are like so many couples.  If we do struggle, we work hard to work with each other and only each other to resolve challenges.   For those of you who have the pleasure of knowing her, she's truly amazing.

The last three years, there have seen so many changes, so many different lessons and so many things that I wish i had known before that I am experiencing and learning.  We bought a house together on 5 acres almost a year ago.  " 5 acres?!?!" you say?  Yes.. 5 acres.  It's a shit ton of work.  And when I say a shit ton of work, I mean a shit ton of work ( look up the definition of a shit ton and you will find out EXACTLY how much it is).  I love our house.  I love our property.  I love our animals.  most of all, I love the family we have created.  It is not without struggle and challenge, but it is my family in addition to my kids whom I see every summer when the older 2 kids come out for 2 weeks and the youngest comes out for 2 months.

Having said that, we are a blended family.  Like many families out there, we are trying to figure out how to blend.  We always are.  In our family, we have 7 kids at the peak and 2 kids at home at the "quiet" times.  the kids range from 8 to 19.  We have one in college now, and one more entering college each year the next 4 years as well.  the younger two are 8 and 9 and wonderful.  We have 4 girls and 3 boys between the two of us.  for 2 weeks in the summer, there are 7 kids in the house, for the remainder of the summer there are 5.  We love it.  But if any of you out there have experience with a blended family, it's not always an easy situation.  The first few years are tough for everyone, with all of the adjustments coming and all of the emotions coming from the kids.  We are learning that we MUST make sure we are centered as a couple in order for us to NOT go crazy (well.. that and the numerous margaritas and Moscow Mules)
This is our family minus one. Can you guess where this is? 

Let me paint more of a picture for you.  We have a horse, 7 goats (Nigerian dwarves), a cat who is about to launch some new kittens into the world, 4 dogs (all of which are amazing and the sweetest pups you will ever meet, unless you try to hurt one of us) and, if you count all the mice that come running in from the fields as well as all the frogs that jump in our pool and all over the place, one could say we have a farm or a zoo.. whichever you want to call it.   Now this farm/zoo, is something that we call home.  We arrive home after our shifts at work and find solace and peace in the environment we are creating at home.  The animals have definitely helped with that.  They are always so loving and so happy.  Truly not a care in the world.

"We are all beyond average in our capabilities.  It is a matter of what you choose that makes you greater than average. "- Coach K

Well, we got interrupted with a fire on the side of the freeway, so I am going to close up for the evening.  I promise you, there is more to come as the adventure is always going!


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