
Showing posts from 2018

The average dude on Life Balance- Workaholics Anonymous

You ever have one of those days where you wonder how the hell the scale tipped so far this way that you're holding on by a string?  Ever looked at your own life and imagined it as being one of those movies where a car is over the edge of a cliff and if someone comes to get you, they may throw the car off balance and over the cliff?   Ever thought to yourself, I feel so out of balance.. in fact I feel like I have vertigo? I think most days I'm an average dude, and I suffer from the same thought processes as many other people in the world.  This means I am succeptible to things like an addictive personality (which I know I have) and putting my life out of balance.  In fact, I tend to think, we as humans have a very hard time with balance.  You see,  in everything I do, I give it 100% and it is hard for me to focus on ANYTHiNG else when I am involved in something.  It was like this with the gym ownership, the fire service, family ,relationships, heck, even working and learning t

To the graduates of 2018- 50 things I have learned in life- a reflection for all

To the graduates of 2018- Last year, in 2017, my daughter graduated.  this year, in 2018, my stepdaughter graduated, and over the course of the next three years, we have 3 more graduating from high school.  This is for you. Today is my 44th birthday.  I hope to share with you, the graduating class, a few lessons learned over time in my short time here on earth.  We often learn from others, from their perspective, from their mistakes, from their success, from their stories.  To you, I hope you gain knowledge and thoughts from this. Your life is beginning.  Each day you wake up is a new day set forth with challenges, situations, successes and failures. you will go through many experiences in your lives and many learning opportunities will come out of them.  Here are some things that I have learned over time and I hope your learning curve is faster than mine. 1) Life is a series of events, moments, opportunities that we have to create change, experience and breathe in.  Take them

Thinking like an average dude- On Family

In the last post, we talked about the changes that have occured, and how Ive gone from owning a gym to becoming an average dude who lives a life I am grateful for.  That required a great deal of adjustment in my thinking and how to look at things a little differently.   I think if we all rated the importance of things on a scale of 1-10 and how we are doing with certain things in our life, we could rate areas such as work, family, faith, relaxation, fun, inner peace and so on.  Where would you rate yourself on these items?  and how would that scale change as time went on? This gorgeous woman has changed my life!  For me, Before I met Gentry, I rated the above mentioned items as work was a 10, family was a perceived 10 although my actions probably didn't support it in the arena of dating.(and to say that, My kids were ALWAYS the most important thing when they came out for the summer because I would take the summers off to spend time with them).  I would have rated faith about

I'm just an average dude.....

I have started a new life, one free of owning a gym, one free of the responsibilities that come with business ownership and I have transitioned into a new phase in life.  I hope that we can get reacquainted and really get to know each other, you as my readers and followers, and me, well just as an average dude living a life that has meaning to those whom are in it.  I hope that in some of these posts, there comes inspiration, "aha" moments, feelings of "you're not the only one going through this" and many other things running through our heads.  One day, I might blog about how frustrating it can be when you don't have the right tools to get a job done, to how it feels to be at work and away from the family longer than you want to.  You may see blog posts about the first time hauling a 42' toyhauler to how we chose our goats at the farm.  You may see stories of the kids and how the changes within the kids challenge me as well as force me to grow as a huma


Welcome to the newest release of DFG Wellness.  I am changing the format a bit.  While I will still write about wellness,  I wanted to start sharing some of my personal story with you and how the things I am doing in my life may benefit you.  Let me explain.  Over the last few years, I have learned a great deal.  I have not written in several years on this blog because I have been busy learning about life.  And in that experience, there have been lessons about being destined for greatness and the journey that comes with that. Many of you who know me know that I am a firefighter by trade and WAS a gym owner up until January of this year.  I guess this blog is changing to give you some of the experiences, thoughts and changes that have happened along my journey to success.  My definition of success has changed over time.   It doesn't mean I have stopped moving forward to be successful in many arenas of life.   It just means that I have determined that success is different for me